Sculpture Park

All designs copyright (c) Adriano Gemelli | Commissions Accepted | Licensing of designs available – Contact the Artist for details

Client – Ministry of the Arts & city of Knox

Project – To create a sculptural park, where physically and mentally disabled people interacted with other skills of the society where art works were the pivotal element

Materials – cantilevered and retaining wall and pathway, with mosaic wildflower elements – 1 acre park

Landscape sculpture Knoxbrook copy

This design would be constructed by creating a large mound of earth.  This mound would be then excavated  and held back by a cantilevered wall of irregular shaped formed concrete.  A pathway following the base of the wall wold incorporate contemporary images of wildflower design of indigenous plant species as well as angular lines.  The same wildflower designs as well as geometric shapes made from laminated glass mirror and black laminated glass would cover the cantilevered wall.

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A light trap incorporated into the design of the wall would reflect the suns rays across the laminated silvered mirrored surfaces to reflect down onto the wall to create moving light patterns.  The structure of the wall has been design to give multi-faceting of light effects.  It is envisaged that on walking the path the the reflected view would change at ever step.

The pathway design is created using marble and stainless steel creating a terrazzo effect.

Lighting embedded into star and cloud patterns, representing the sky, in the pathway would address safety issues at night and specialized lighting placed in the landscape above would reflect and bounce light from the walls.

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